301 Sociology & Anthropology
Dublin Core
301 Sociology & Anthropology
Items in the 301 Sociology & Anthropology Collection
Western Civilization: A Concise History - Volume 1
Western Civilization: A Concise History is an Open Educational Resource textbook covering the history of Western Civilization from approximately 8,000 BCE to 2017 CE. It is available in three volumes covering the following time periods and topics:…
Western Civilization: A Concise History - Volume 2
Western Civilization: A Concise History is an Open Educational Resource textbook covering the history of Western Civilization from approximately 8,000 BCE to 2017 CE. It is available in three volumes covering the following time periods and topics:…
Western Civilization: A Concise History - Volume 3
What is “Western Civilization”? Furthermore, who or what is part of it? Like all ideas, the concept of Western Civilization itself has a history, one that coalesced in college textbooks and curriculums for the first time in the United States in…
Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World
Most Americans probably agree that we enjoy a great amount of freedom. And yet perhaps we have less freedom than we think, because many of our choices are influenced by our society in ways we do not even realize. Perhaps we are not as distinctively…
Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World
Most Americans probably agree that we enjoy a great amount of freedom. And yet perhaps we have less freedom than we think, because many of our choices are influenced by our society in ways we do not even realize. Perhaps we are not as distinctively…
Principles of Sociological Inquiry
This textbook has been on my mind since 1994, when I sat in my own undergraduate sociology research methods class, enjoying the material but also wondering about its relevance to my everyday life and future plans (the idea that one day I would be…
Sociology 101 V2.1
Sociology is a relatively new discipline in comparison to chemistry, math, biology, philosophy andother
disciplines that trace back thousands of years. Sociology began as an intellectual/philosophical effortby a French man named Auguste Comte who…
disciplines that trace back thousands of years. Sociology began as an intellectual/philosophical effortby a French man named Auguste Comte who…
Sociology 200: Introduction to Women’s Studies
Sociology’s roots are in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, from where founding fathers Karl
Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Georg Simmel hail. Sociology waxed and waned in popularity outside of the U.S. over its short history. Today,…
Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Georg Simmel hail. Sociology waxed and waned in popularity outside of the U.S. over its short history. Today,…
Intimate Relationships and Families . Sociology 103 v.2
Sociological theories are the core and underlying strength of the discipline. They guide researchers in
their studies; they also guide practitioners in their intervention strategies. And they will provide you
with a basic understanding of how to…
their studies; they also guide practitioners in their intervention strategies. And they will provide you
with a basic understanding of how to…
Becoming Human: How Evolution Made Us
Becoming Human: How Evolution Made Us is an Irreverent, fast-moving introduction to basic evolutionary theories and human origins. The focus is not just on our prehistory. Becoming Human highlights how evolution affects the way we are today, and…
Principles of Sociological Inquiry – Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
The author of Principles of Sociological Inquiry: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods, Amy Blackstone, started envisioning this textbook while sitting in her own undergraduate sociology research methods class. She enjoyed the material but wondered…
Nietzsche on Power, Knowledge and Morality
Foundations of Modern Social Thought (SOCY 151)
Today we take a bridge into the twentieth century, constructed by Nietzsche, Freud, and Weber's critical theory. Each author is different in important ways, but they also agree on two crucial…
Today we take a bridge into the twentieth century, constructed by Nietzsche, Freud, and Weber's critical theory. Each author is different in important ways, but they also agree on two crucial…
Introduction to Sociology - The Sociological Imagination - Part 1
The Sociological Imagination: Who We Are and How We Got Here - Part 1--This course provides a sampling of problems and methods used by sociologists, with
concrete examples from everyday life, history, and contemporary events.
concrete examples from everyday life, history, and contemporary events.
Collection Tree
- 300 Social Sciences
- 300 Social Sciences, Sociology & Anthropology
- 301 Sociology & Anthropology
- 300 Social Sciences, Sociology & Anthropology