513 Arithmetic

Dublin Core


513 Arithmetic

Items in the 513 Arithmetic Collection

Basic Arithmetic Student Workbook
This workbook was created through the efforts of three instructors at Scottsdale Community College in Scottsdale, Arizona, has been used by thousands of students, and is continually improved. This workbook contains have lessons that were carefully…

Arithmetic for College Students
This book is a course on arithmetic designed for college students. It covers whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, ratios and proportions, measurement, and integers. Geometry and statistics are integrated throughout the text rather than…

A Friendly Introduction to Differential Equations
n this book, there are five chapters: The Laplace Transform, Systems of Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations (HLDE), Methods of First and Higher Orders Differential Equations, Extended Methods of First and Higher Orders Differential Equations,…

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