Elementary Algebra
Dublin Core
This is the Elementary Algebra textbook used by the Department of Mathematics in their Elementary Algebra course at College of the Redwoods, Eureka, California.
License: Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike Noncommercial. This license is very open. It allows reuse, remixing, and distribution, but prohibits commercial use and requires any remixes use the same license as the original. This limits where the content can be remixed into, but on the other hand ensures that no-one can remix the content then put the remix under a more restrictive license. The non-commercial clause can make getting printed copies of remixes challenging depending upon how strictly the authors interpret the clause.
License: Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike Noncommercial. This license is very open. It allows reuse, remixing, and distribution, but prohibits commercial use and requires any remixes use the same license as the original. This limits where the content can be remixed into, but on the other hand ensures that no-one can remix the content then put the remix under a more restrictive license. The non-commercial clause can make getting printed copies of remixes challenging depending upon how strictly the authors interpret the clause.
Cut Rita Zahara
Creative Commons
David Arnold and Bruce Wagner, “Elementary Algebra,” Open Educational Resources (OER) , accessed February 22, 2025, https://oer.uinsyahada.ac.id/items/show/89.