Browse Items (10 total)
- Publisher is exactly "Ubiquity Press, London"
Turn on the light on science
Tags: Careers guidance, education, Education Society and social sciences, gender groups, Gender studies, Gender studies: women Society and social sciences, Popular beliefs and controversial knowledge Society and social sciences, Social groups, Society and culture: general, Society and culture: general Society and social sciences, Society and social sciences, Society and social sciences Society and social sciences
Garden Learning: A Study on European Botanic Gardens’ Collaborative Learning Processes
"From 2007-2013 the European 7th Framework Program Science in Society (FP7) funded a multitude of formal and informal educational institutions to join forces and engage in alternative ways to teach science—inside and outside the classroom—all…
Tags: Business and Management, education, Finance, information and interdisciplinary subjects, Institutions and learned societies: general Economics, Interdisciplinary studies, Organization and management of education Reference, Organizational theory and behaviour Designed for differentiated learning, Society and social sciences
Publishing Addiction Science : A Guide for the Perplexed
"Publishing Addiction Science is a comprehensive guide for addiction scientists facing the complex process of contributing to scholarly journals. Written by an international group of addiction journal editors and their colleagues, it discusses how…
Daniele Toninelli, Robert Pinter and Pablo de Pedraza
Daily activity sees data constantly flowing through cameras, the internet, satellites, radio frequencies, sensors, private appliances, cars, smartphones, tablets and the like. Among all the tools currently used, mobile devices, especially mobile…
Tags: Digital lifestyle, Ethical and social aspects of IT Mathematics and science, Ethical and social aspects of IT Mod, experiments and techniques Reference, Impact of science and technology on society Mathematics and science, Industrial applications of scientific research and technological innovation Mathematics and science, information and interdisciplinary subjects, Information technology: general issues, Information technology: general issues Mod, Internet guides and online services Computing and information technology, Internet: general works New Computing and information technology, Legal aspects of IT Computing and information technology, Legal aspects of IT Mod, Mobile phones: consumer/user guides Computing and information technology, Portable and handheld devices: consumer/user guides Computing and information technology, Portable and handheld devices: consumer/user guides Mod, Research and information: general, Research methods: general, Science: general issues, Scientific equipment, Society and culture: general Computing and information technology, Society and social sciences
CLARIN in the Low Countries
"This book describes the results of activities undertaken to construct the CLARIN research infrastructure in the Low Countries, i.e., in the Netherlands and in Flanders (the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium). CLARIN is a European research…
The Value of the University Armed Service Units
Tags: education, Higher and further education, Military administration Society and social sciences, Military life and institutions Society and social sciences, Organization and management of education, Society and social sciences, Students and student organisations, tertiary education, tertiary education Society and social sciences, Universities Society and social sciences, Warfare and defence, Warfare and defence Society and social sciences
Digital Classics Outside the Echo-Chamber
Digital Classics Outside the Echo-Chamber : Teaching, Knowledge Exchange & Public Engagement
"Edited by organisers of “Digital Classicist” seminars in London and Berlin, this volume explores the impact of computational approaches to the study of antiquity on audiences other than the scholars who conventionally publish it. In addition…
Tags: 3D graphics and modelling, Ancient (Classical) Greek Computing and information technology, Ancient history: to c 500 CE Humanities, Ancient World Indo-European languages, Archaeology, Archaeology by period / region, Classical Greek and Roman archaeology Other geographical groupings, Computer Science, Empires and historical states, Graphical and digital media applications, Hellenic languages, History, History: earliest times to present day, Humanities, Image processing Computing and information technology, oceans and seas
Open : The Philosophy and Practices that are Revolutionizing Education and Science
Tags: distance education Society and social sciences, education, Higher and further education, home learning, Impact of science and technology on society Society and social sciences, Information technology: general issues Society and social sciences, Information technology: general issues Mod, Open learning, Psychology, Science: general issues, Social issues and processes Computing and information technology, Society and culture: general, Society and social sciences, tertiary education Mathematics and science