Browse Items (68 total)
- Subject is exactly "Mathematics"
Proofs and Concepts: The Fundamentals of Abstract Mathematics
Tags: mathematics
Advanced Problems in Mathematics: Preparing for University
" This book is intended to help candidates prepare for entrance examinations in mathematics and scientific subjects, including STEP (Sixth Term Examination Paper). STEP is an examination used by Cambridge colleges as the basis for conditional…
Fundamentals of Mathematics
have had…
Tags: mathematics
Fast Fourier Transforms
Tags: mathematics, Transforms
Elementary College Geometry
Tags: Geometry, mathematics
Applied Finite Mathematics
Tags: Finite Mathematics, mathematics
A Primer of Real Analysis
Tags: mathematics, Real Analysis
Applied Combinatorics
mathematics is one of the most fascinating and captivating subjects on the planet.
Combinatorics is very concrete and has a wide range of applications, but it also…
Tags: Combinatorics, mathematics
Intro to Logic
Tags: Logic, mathematics
A Foundation In Applied Mathematics
You'll be introduced to clear define and…
Tags: mathematics
Calculus Volume 2
Tags: Calculus, mathematics
Calculus Volume 1
Tags: Calculus, mathematics
Algebra and Trigonometry
Tags: Algebra, mathematics, trigonometry
Discrete Mathematics
Tags: Discrete, mathematics
Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery
Tags: Combinatorics, mathematics
A Story of Real Analysis
Tags: mathematics, Real Analysis
Introduction to the Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems
Dalton State College APEX Calculus
Topics covered in this text include:
Tags: Calculus, mathematics
Armstrong Calculus
Tags: Calculus, Mathematic
A Spiral Workbook for Discrete Mathematics
Tags: Discrete, mathematics
Tags: Geometry, mathematics
Tags: Calculus, mathematics
• The…
Tags: mathematics, Precalculus
Physical Modeling in MATLAB
As a result, the order of presentation is unusual. The book starts with scalar values and works up to vectors and…
Introduction to Modern Set Theory
Tags: mathematics, Modern Set Theory
Introduction to Differential Equations
Calculus for The Life Sciences A Modeling Approach Volume II
Calculus For the Life Sciences: A Modeling Approach Volume I
Applied Discrete Structures
Tags: Discrete Structures, mathematics
Statistical Analysis with The General Linear Model
Tags: Matematics, trigonometry
Active Calculus Multivariable
Abstract Algebra
Tags: Abstract Algebra, Algebra, Mathematic
Introduction to Probability
Statistical Mechanics
classical mechanics through the concept of phase space, in quantum mechanics through the Pauli exclusion
principle, and in mathematics…
Introduction to Numerical Methods and Matlab Programming for Engineers
numerical methods for Civil Engineering majors during 2002-2004 and was modified to include
Mechanical Engineering in 2005. The materials have been…
Introduction to Numerical Methods
Calculus-Based Physics I
Tags: Calculus, Calculus-Based, mathematics, Physics
Basic Analysis: Introduction to Real Analysis
Tags: Basic Analysis, Mathematic, Real Analysis
An Introduction to MATLAB and Mathcad
Graph Theory
Tags: Graph Theory, mathematics
Elementary Diferrential Equantions
Calculus Based Physics II
Tags: Circular Motion: Centripetal Acceleration, Conservation of Angular Momentum, Conservation of Mechanical Energy, Conservation of Momentum, Gravitational Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy, mathematics, Newton's Laws, One-Dimensional Motion, relative velocity, Rotational Kinetic Energy, Springs, Universal Law of Gravitation
Mathematical Analysis Volume I
Tags: Analysis, Differentiation, Integration, Limits, mathematics, Real Numbers, Sequences, Series, Sets, Vectors
Active Calculus 2.0
Tags: Active Calculus, Calculus, Mathematic
Precalculus: An Investigation of Functions (Includes Trig) 2nd Ed
Tags: Mathematic, Precalculus
Precalculus: An Investigation of Functions (Includes Trig) 1st Ed
Tags: Mathematic, Precalculus
Active Calculus 1.0
Tags: Active Calculus, Calculus
Elementary Algebra
License: Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike Noncommercial. This license is very…
Tags: Algebra, Mathematic
OpenIntro Statistics
Tags: mathematics, Statistics
Introductory Algebra Student Workbook
Tags: Algebra, mathematics
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
Tags: Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, mathematics
Geometric topics (e.g., area and…
Tags: mathematics, Prealgebra
License: Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike Noncommercial. This…
Tags: mathematics, Pre-Algebra
Basic Arithmetic Student Workbook
Tags: Arithmetic, Basic Arithmetic, mathematics
Arithmetic for College Students
Tags: Arithmetic, mathematics
Calculus Early Transcendental: an Open Text
Tags: Calculus
A Friendly Introduction to Differential Equations
Tags: Differential
A First Course in Linear Algebra
Tags: Algebra, Linear Algebra, mathematics
Contemporary Calculus
Calculus is the mathematics of CHANGE and almost everything in our world is changing.
Calculus is among the most important and useful developments of human thought, and, even though it is over 300 years old, it…
Tags: Calculus, Mathematic
Exact Trig Values - Hand Trick
In this video we will discover one method of remember what these values are - by counting fingers on our hand!
In the first…
Tags: 30, 45, 60, 90, cos, digital learning, exact trig values, exact value, exact values, free online education, fuse school, fuseschool, gcse maths, hand tric, high school maths, learn maths, mathematics, maths, maths help, online learning, school maths, sin, table, tan, trigonometric values, trigonometry
Pure Mathematics
Source: article, adapted under…
Tags: dictionary, english dictionary, english vocabulary, how to pronounce words, online dictionary, online vocabulary, pure mathematics, pure mathematics definition, pure mathematics explanation, pure mathematics meaning, vocabulary, what do words mean, what does pure mathematics mean, what does pure mathematics stand fo, what is pure mathematics, what is the definition of pure mathematics, what is the meaning of pure mathematics