Browse Items (5 total)

Myocardial Ischemia
Coronary Flow Reserve
Determinants of Coronary Blood Flow
Neural (autonomic) Mechanisms
Endothelial Factors (Mechanisms)

1. Introduction to Human Osteology.pdf
Physical anthropologists study human biological variation in the past and present. They are not only interested in the physical aspect of the body but also how biology, culture and environment interact to produce variation. Part of this variation…

Health Case Studies.pdf
Health Case Studies is composed of eight separate health case studies. Each case study includes the patient narrative or story that models the best practice (at the time of publishing) in healthcare settings. Associated with each case is a set of…
This is a tutorial/lecture on Drug Formulations. We cover some topics important for classes such as Biochemistry and Pharmacology.

Care in Healthcare.pdf
This book examines the concept of care and care practices in healthcare from the interdisciplinary perspectives of continental philosophy, care ethics, the social sciences, and anthropology. Areas addressed include dementia care, midwifery, diabetes…
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