A Guide to Veterinary Clinical Skills Laboratories

Dublin Core


Clinical and practical skills are an essential part of the competences required of veterinary graduates (European Association of Establishments for Veterinary
Education (EAEVE) 2014, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) 2014 American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) 2014, North American Veterinary
Medical Educators Consortium (NAVMEC) 2011) and clinical skills laboratories (CSLs) are playing an increasingly important role in veterinary curricula around the world.
Clinical training used to rely entirely on an apprenticeship model, as described in medical education over 100 years ago (Halsted, 1904), where the trainee shadows a
clinician, initially watching and then performing the procedure under the expert’s supervision. Although such teaching is still central to medical and veterinary training,
recent changes in veterinary education, including increasing student numbers and an expectation that where possible, the use of animals in teaching should be reduced, mean that there is a need to find additional ways to support learning.


Cut Rita Zahara


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A Guide to Veterinary Clinical Skill Laboratories.pdf


Sarah Baillie et al., “A Guide to Veterinary Clinical Skills Laboratories,” Open Educational Resources (OER) , accessed February 19, 2025, http://oer.uinsyahada.ac.id/items/show/295.

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