Browse Items (1358 total)
Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes
This is always a surprising situation for most people around, who just go for regular
check up to the doctor and end up knowing that they are suffering from one of the…
Tags: creative, diabetes, diabetes ka ilaj, diabetes ka ilaj sugar ka nuskh, Symptoms Of Type 2 Diabetes, Symptoms Of Type 2 Diabetes Creative Commons, Symptoms Of Type 2 Diabetes explained, Symptoms Of Type 2 Diabetes in females, Symptoms Of Type 2 Diabetes in hindi, Symptoms Of Type 2 Diabetes in men, Treatment and management Of Type 2 Diabetes, Treatment Of Type 2 Diabetes, type, type 2 diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms cure, Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms Treatment, up
Cataract Explained from A to Z
Category 5. ENT, ophthalmology, General Practice
This video by Hershko Sarah is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International…
Introduction to The Anatomy of The Heart
Ketogenesis, Diabetes, and Starvation
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Instructor: John Essigmann
In this video, Professor Essigmann explores ketone bodies – what they are, how they are made, and how they are used in…
Diabetes in Pregnancy
Tags: YouTube Edito
Functions and Relations
Please attribute this work as being created by the…
Tags: Calculus, Functions, Math, Mathematic, NCSSM, Precalculus, Transformations
Architectural Origami
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Input by : Dian Islamiati
Instructor: Erik Demaine
This class begins with a folding exercise and…
Tags: convex, flat-foldability, freeform, Newton's Method, origami, Origamizer, rigid, robo, software, tuck angle, vertex
What is DNA
In eukaryotes, it is found within the nucleus and is arranged into chromosomes.
DNA determines the…
Tags: adenine, Alevels, AQA, biology, chromosomes, cytosine, deoxyribose nucleic acid, DNA, double helix, eukaryotes, fuseschool, GCSE, genes, genetics, global education, guanine, ict4d, learn, nitrogen base, nucleotides, phosphate group, Revision, Science, student, students free online courses video science videos, sugar group, thymine, what is DN
The Forces on an Aeroplane
Tags: Aeroplane, Airplane, amazingfacts, CBSE, courses for schools, Drag, e learning app, e learning education in hind, education, elearning, elearningvideo, factsaboutairplane, how airplane fly, Learn India Learn, learning, Lift, LIL, Physics, School, Science, The Forces on an Aeroplane, The Forces on an Aeroplane | Hindi, Thrust
A Brief Introduction to Minerals.
Input by : Dian Islamiati
Density of Different States
How Not to Die from Heart Disease
Input by Sofia Nelly
Subscribe to Dr. Greger’s free nutrition newsletter at…
Tags: best diet for heart diseas, breast cancer, cancer, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular health, dr gregor, Dr. Dean Ornish, dr. greger, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Michael Gregor, heart disease, heart health, how not to die, how not to die from heart disease, michael greger, nutrition facts,, plant-based diets, standard American diet, women’s health
Plate Tectonics
Tags: Atlantic Ocean, cconvection currents, Chemistry, chemistry help, continental crust, continental drift, convergent boundaries, convergent plate boundary, digital learning, divergent plate boundar, earthquakes, free online education, fuse school, fuseschool, gcse chemistry, glaciers, high school chemistry, hot spots, islands, learn chemistry, mountains, online learning, school chemistry, sediment, subducted, Tectonic plates, volcano
Tags: dictionary, english dictionary, english vocabulary, how to pronounce hypotension, how to pronounce words, hypotension, hypotension definition, hypotension dictionary, hypotension explanation, hypotension meaning, hypotension pronunciation, online dictionary, online vocabulary, vocabulary, what do words mean, what does hypotension mean, what does hypotension stand fo, what is hypotension, what is the definition of hypotension, what is the meaning of hypotension
Pure Mathematics
Source: article, adapted under…
Tags: dictionary, english dictionary, english vocabulary, how to pronounce words, online dictionary, online vocabulary, pure mathematics, pure mathematics definition, pure mathematics explanation, pure mathematics meaning, vocabulary, what do words mean, what does pure mathematics mean, what does pure mathematics stand fo, what is pure mathematics, what is the definition of pure mathematics, what is the meaning of pure mathematics
Identifying Minerals
Input by : Elvira Nadya Saleh
Philosophy of Biology
Tags: dictionary, english dictionary, english vocabulary, how to pronounce words, online dictionary, online vocabulary, philosophy of biology, philosophy of biology definition, philosophy of biology explanation, philosophy of biology meaning, vocabulary, what do words mean, what does philosophy of biology mean, what does philosophy og biology stand fo, what is philosophy of biology, what is the definition of philosophy of biology, what is the meaning of philosophy of biology
Tags: dictionary, english dictionary, how to pronounce metamorphosis, how to pronounce words, metamorphosis, metamorphosis definition, metamorphosis dictionary, metamorphosis explanation, metamorphosis meaning, metamorphosis pronunciation, online dictionary, vocabulary, what do words mean, what doe smetamorphosis stand fo, what does metamoprhosis mean, what is metamorphosis, what is the definition of metamoprphosis, what is the meaning of metamoprphosis
Creative Accounting
Tags: creative accounting, creative accounting definition, creative accounting explanation, creative accounting meaning, dictionary, english dictionary, english vocabulary, how to pronounce words, online dictionary, online vocabulary, vocabulary, what do words mean, what does creative accounting mean, what does creative accounting stand fo, what is creative accounting, what is the definition of creative accounting, what is the meaning of creative accounting
Tags: dictionary, english dictionary, english vocabulary, gamete, gamete definition, gamete dictionary, gamete explanation, gamete meaning, gamete pronunciation, how to pronounce gamete, how to pronounce words, online dictionary, online vocabulary, vocabulary, what do words mean, what does gamete mean, what does gamete stand fo, what is gamete, what is the definition of gamete, what is the meaning of gamete
Exact Trig Values - Hand Trick
In this video we will discover one method of remember what these values are - by counting fingers on our hand!
In the first…
Tags: 30, 45, 60, 90, cos, digital learning, exact trig values, exact value, exact values, free online education, fuse school, fuseschool, gcse maths, hand tric, high school maths, learn maths, mathematics, maths, maths help, online learning, school maths, sin, table, tan, trigonometric values, trigonometry
Tags: dictionary, english dictionary, english vocabulary, how to pronounce spore, how to pronounce words, online dictionary, online vocabulary, spore, spore definition, spore dictionary, spore explanation, spore meaning, spore pronunciation, vocabulary, what do words mean, what does spore mean, what does spore stand fo, what is spore, what is the definition of spore, what is the meaning of spore
Radiation Rays: Alpha, Beta and Gamma
Input by : Dian Islamiati
Chemistry Adventure
Find us online!
Tags: bubble science, catalase, catalyst, chemistry demo, chemistry video, classroom videos, decomposition, demo*, elephant toothpaste, Engineering, foam, h2, high school science videos, hydrogen peroxide, K-12, K12, K12 (Education), learning, M.I.T., middle school science videos, MIT, mit k12 videos, mit+k12, molecules, Science, science bubbles, science demo, science out loud, science videos, STEM, STEM videos, surface tension, teaching, videos
DNA Replication
Tags: dictionary, dna replication, dna replication definition, dna replication explanation, dna replication meaning, english dictionary, english vocabulary, how to pronounce words, online dictionary, online vocabulary, vocabulary, what do words mean, what does dna replication mean, what does dna replication stand fo, what is dna replication, what is the definition of dna replication, what is the meaning of dna replication
Cancer System Biology
Tags: cancer systems biology, cancer systems biology definition, cancer systems biology explanation, cancer systems biology meaning, dictionary, english dictionary, english vocabulary, how to pronounce words, online dictionary, online vocabulary, vocabulary, what do words mean, what does cancer systems biology mea, what is cancer systems biology, what is the definition cancer systems biology, what is the meaning of cancer systems biology explanation
12 All Natural Toothache
Nowadays, modern medicine has its own solutions, but there still several natural toothache remedies that people use just to avoid the…
Tags: 12 ALL NATURAL TOOTHACHE REMEDIES YOUR DENTIST DOESN’T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT, bleeding, causes, cavity, cure, get, get rid of toothache, gums, home remedies, home remedies toothache, home remedy, home remedy for toothache, how, kill nerve, kill@nerve, natural remedies, nerve, of, pain, pain relief, remedies, rid, swelling, to, tooth, tooth ache, tooth pain, toothache, toothache home remedies, toothache treatmen, top10homeremedies, treatment, wisdom tooth
The Meaning of Clinical Death
Tags: clinical death, clinical death definition, clinical death explanation, clinical death meaning, dictionary, english dictionary, english vocabulary, how to pronounce words, online dictionary, online vocabulary, vocabulary, what do words mean, what does clinical death mean, what does clinical death stand fo, what is clinical death, what is the definition of clinical death, what is the meaning of clinical death
Atomic Physics
Tags: atomic physics, atomic physics definition, atomic physics explanation, atomic physics meaning, dictionary, english dictionary, english vocabulary, how to pronounce words, online dictionary, online vocabulary, vocabulary, what do words mean, what does atomic physics mean, what does atomic physics stand fo, what is atomic physics, what is the definition of atomic physics, what is the meaning of atomic physics
The Normal Electrocardiogram
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Removal of Carious Lesion
This is part of the Open.Michigan collection at:…
Tags: cavity, Preparatio
Local Anesthetic Injection Techniques
This is part of the Open.Michigan collection at:
Tags: Anesthesi
Scaling and Root Planing: Part II Mandibular Teeth
This is part of the Open.Michigan collection at:
Tags: Dentistry, Historical, Periodontic, Surgical, Techniques
Present Perfect Tense
Tags: education, EFL, ELT, English as a second language, English Grammar, English Language training, English listening, English speaking, english vocabulary, ESL, ESLgold, Free English Lesson, Grammar, IELTS, itep, Language education, Learn English, Learn to speak English, learning English, Learning English ESLgold, Lessons, Present Perfect Tense, Present Perfect Tense for ESL student, School, Speak English, student, Teacher, TEFL, TESOL,
Contemporary Calculus
Calculus is the mathematics of CHANGE and almost everything in our world is changing.
Calculus is among the most important and useful developments of human thought, and, even though it is over 300 years old, it…
Tags: Calculus, Mathematic
Foundations in Statistical Reasoning
Tags: Statistics
Introduction to Sociology - The Sociological Imagination - Part 1
concrete examples from everyday life, history, and contemporary events.
Introduction to Economic Analysis
Tags: Economic
Foundations of Computation
Tags: Computer Science
Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World
Tags: sociology
Introduction to Mathematical Analysis I
Tags: mathematical analysis
A First Course in Linear Algebra
Tags: Algebra, Linear Algebra, mathematics
A Friendly Introduction to Differential Equations
Tags: Differential
Calculus Early Transcendental: an Open Text
Tags: Calculus
Nietzsche on Power, Knowledge and Morality
Today we take a bridge into the twentieth century, constructed by Nietzsche, Freud, and Weber's critical theory. Each author is different in important ways, but they also agree on two crucial…
Arithmetic for College Students
Tags: Arithmetic, mathematics
Basic Arithmetic Student Workbook
Tags: Arithmetic, Basic Arithmetic, mathematics
License: Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike Noncommercial. This…
Tags: mathematics, Pre-Algebra
Geometric topics (e.g., area and…
Tags: mathematics, Prealgebra
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
Tags: Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, mathematics
Introductory Algebra Student Workbook
Tags: Algebra, mathematics
OpenIntro Statistics
Tags: mathematics, Statistics
Elementary Algebra
License: Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike Noncommercial. This license is very…
Tags: Algebra, Mathematic
Active Calculus 1.0
Tags: Active Calculus, Calculus
Precalculus: An Investigation of Functions (Includes Trig) 1st Ed
Tags: Mathematic, Precalculus
Precalculus: An Investigation of Functions (Includes Trig) 2nd Ed
Tags: Mathematic, Precalculus
Concepts of Biology-1st Canadian Edition
Tags: biology, Concepts of Biology
Active Calculus 2.0
Tags: Active Calculus, Calculus, Mathematic
Lecture Notes on Thermodynamics
Tags: Physics, Thermodynamics
Clinical Biochemistry
analysis of the biological material. In other words, this phase involves an individual’s preparation for collection of the…
Tags: Biochemistry, biology, Chemistry
Surgical Excision of a Multi-Lobular, Recurrent, Bartholin Duct Cyst
Tags: Bartholin duct, cyst, gynecology, surgery
Circulatory Derangements I
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Tags: Circulatory, Derangements, educational, health, lectur
Circulatory Derangements II
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Tags: Circulatory, Derangements, educational, health, II, lectur
Principles of Social Psychology - 1st International Edition
Tags: International Edition, Psychology, Social
Introduction to Psychology
Tags: medical, Psychology
Tags: biology, Microbiology
Algorithms and Data Structures
Open Data Structures
Tags: Computer Science, Data Structures
Information Systems
Tags: Computer Science, Systems
Database Design - 2nd Edition
Tags: Computer Science, Database
Teaching in a Digital Age
Tags: Computer Science, Digital, teaching
Concept Development Studies in Chemistry
Tags: Atom, Chemistry, Development Studies, Molecular
Computational Biology: Genomes, Networks, Evolution
Tags: biology, Computational, Evolution, Genomes, Networks
Environmental Biology
Tags: biology, Environmental
AP Environmental Science
Tags: Environmental, Pharmacy, Science
Analytical Chemistry 2.0
Tags: Analytical, Chemistry
Mathematical Analysis Volume I
Tags: Analysis, Differentiation, Integration, Limits, mathematics, Real Numbers, Sequences, Series, Sets, Vectors
What is Biodiversity
Tags: Alpha, Beta, Biodiversity Hierarchy, Biodiversity over Time, Biogeographic Diversity, Community Diversity, Definition of Biodiversity, Ecological Value, Ecoregions, Ecosystem Diversity, Extinction, Gamma Diversity, Global Processes, Landscape Diversity, Population Diversity, Spatial Gradients in Biodiversity, Species Diversity, Utilitarian Valuation
Tags: biology, Microbiology, Science
Anatomy & Physiology
in mind: accessibility, customization, and student engagement—helping students reach high levels of academic…
Tags: anatomy, Anatomy & Physiology, Physiology
Introductory Statistics
Introduction to Programming Using Java
Tags: Arithmetic Operators, Boolean Operators, computer programming, Conditional Operator, Enums, Fetch and Execute Cycle, Internet, Java Development, Java programming, Java Virtual Machine, Literals, Machine Language, Object-oriented Programming, Objects, Relational Operators, Strings, Subroutines, Text Input, Text Output, Types, Variables, World-Wide Web
Newtonian Physics
Tags: Addition of Velocities, Distance and Time, Galileo, Graphs of Motion, Inertia, Kepler’s Laws, Metric System, Metric Unit of Force, Modern Physics, Motion in One Dimension, Newton, Physics, Scaling Applied to Biology, Scaling of Area and Volume, Science, Scientific Method, Scientific Notation, Types of Motion, Velocity, Velocity and Relative Motion
For All X; The Lorain County Remix
Tags: Logic
From Algorithms to Z-Scores: Probabilistic and Statistical Modeling in Computer Science
Tags: Computer Science, continuous probability models, discrete probability models, introduction to model building, introduction to queuing models, introduction to statistical inference, Markov chains, multivariate probability models, renewal theory and some applications, statistical relations between variables
Calculus Based Physics II
Tags: Circular Motion: Centripetal Acceleration, Conservation of Angular Momentum, Conservation of Mechanical Energy, Conservation of Momentum, Gravitational Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy, mathematics, Newton's Laws, One-Dimensional Motion, relative velocity, Rotational Kinetic Energy, Springs, Universal Law of Gravitation
Elementary Diferrential Equantions
Endocrine System and Influence on Behavior Part 2
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The Ovarian Cycle
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Reproductive system physiology
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Support Vector Machines
Tags: Abu-Mostafa, Big Data, California Institute Of Technology (Organization), Caltech, Computer, Computer Science (Industry), course, Data, Data Mining (Technology Class), Data Science, kernel methods, KKT, Lagrange Multiplier (Concepts/Theories), Learning (Quotation Subject), learning from data, Lecture (Type Of Public Presentation), Machine Learning (Field Of Study), margin, MOOC, quadratic programming, Science, Support Vector Machine, SVM, Technology (Professional Field), Vapnik, Yase
How to Remove Surgical Staples :)
Hi Guys!
Thank you so much for watching this channel :)
Here is just a quick & simple nursing skill, that I really hope you enjoy!
I appreciate all of your comments, likes & shares so much!!
Really looking forward to growing…
Tags: channel for nurses, channel for nursing students, how to remove staples after surgery, how to remove surgery staples, nurs, nurse, nursing, nursing skills, nursing students, rn studen, staple surgery, staples after surgery, staples for surgery, staples from surgery, staples in surgery, staples surgical, staples used for surgery, student nurse, student rn, surgery staples, surgical staple, surgical stapling, what nurses do, when to remove staples after surgery
Pain Temperature
BY : UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Syiah Kuala
UKM Literasi Unsyiah
Tags: pain, temperature
Communication in the Real World: An Introduction to Communication Studies
A Guide to Technical Communications: Strategies & Applications
Business Communication for Success
Exploring Public Speaking: 2nd Revision
In fifteen chapters the authors have attempted to address all the major…
Information Strategies for Communicators
Media Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Understanding Media and Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication
Tags: Advertising and Public Relations, Books, Communication Studies, Economics of Mass Media, Ethics of Mass Media, Magazines, Mass Communication, Media and Culture, Media and Government, Media Effects, Movies, Music, Newspapers, Radio, Television, The Future of Mass Media, The Internet and Social Media
Project Management
Graphic Design and Print Production Fundamentals
Accounting and Financial Information
Tags: accounting, financial, financial information
Principles of Macroeconomics
several goals in mind: accessibility, customization, and student engagement—all while encouraging students toward high levels of academic…
Introduction to Financial Accounting
Introduction to Management Information Systems
Basic Microeconomics
of human desires and…
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering I
Introduction to Programming Languages
Database Design
Introduction to Physical Electronics
Introduction to Sociology
Accounting Principles: A Business Perspective,
Financial Accounting (Chapters 1 – 8)
Philosophy and purpose
Imagine that you have graduated from college without taking an accounting course. You are
employed by a company as a sales person, and you eventually become the sales manager of a…
Information Systems for Business and Beyond
what the course is going to cover? When you tell your friends or your family that you are taking a course
in information systems, can you…
Accounting Principles: Managerial Accounting
Learning objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
• Describe the types of operations that require a process cost system.
• Distinguish between process and job costing systems.
• Discuss the…
Research Methods in Psychology
Principles of Management
World Development Indicators 2003
Tags: Business & Economics, Finance
Nature of Geographic Information
Principles of Marketing
Tags: Data, Economics, Management, Principles of Marketing, Spatial
Agroecology : What it is and what it has to offer
Tags: agriculture, Agroecology
Transforming Earthquake Detection and Science Through Citizen Seismology
Introducing Marketing
Tags: Economics, Management, Marketing
A Brief Introduction to Engineering Computation with MATLAB
Mastering Strategic Management
Tags: Economics, Management, Mastering
Principles of Economics
Tags: Economics
Graph Theory
Tags: Graph Theory, mathematics
Fundamentals of Business
Approaches of Antiviral Production in Tissue Culture of Medicinal Plants
Tags: Culture, Medicinal Plants
The Effects of Environmental Policies on Sustainability: Theory and Methods
Water Resources: Problem and Solution
Entomopathogenic Fungi And Their Role In Biological Control
Tags: Biological Control, Entomopathogenic, Fungi
Water Treatment Technologies
Tags: Environmental Science, Technology
Chemical Bath deposition of crystalline Cu4SnS4 Thin Films
Tags: Chemical, Environmental Science
Inland Water and Offshore Aquaculture Technology Systems Series
Inland Water Transportation Systems Series
Tags: Marine Sciences
Marine safety Environmental Risk and Reliability Series
Maritime Energy and Environment Systems Series
Tags: Microbiology, Molecular Biology
Alzheimer’s Disease, Recent Research
Aquatic Toxicology
Tags: Biochemistry
Microbiological Examination of Non-Sterile Pharmaceutical Products and Raw Materials
Tags: Biochemistry, Microbiological
Hepatitis C Virus: Molecular Pathways and Treatments
Bacterial and Mycotic Infections in Immunocompromised Hosts: Clinical and Microbiological Aspects
Health And Diseases Of Oral Cavity
Veterinary Epidemiology: Principles and Methods
A Guide to Assessment in Dental Education
Dental Education would be timely and valuable. A systematic review, which
Tags: Dental Education, Dental health, Dentistry
Cultural Geography
Tags: Cultural Geography, Geography
Urban Social Geography
this book incorporates the following features:
➤ At the beginning of each chapter a list of the key
questions that will be addressed.
➤ Each time a new important concept is introduced,…
Tags: Urban Social Geography
Knee Surgery
Tags: Dentistry, Knee Surgery
Earth & Space Science
that follows the Mesa Schools current curriculum map. In the tying of concepts, terms and connection in
the dynamic Earth Science classroom,…
Tags: Earth & Space Science, Geography
An Introduction to Computer Networks
An Introduction to MATLAB and Mathcad
Basic Analysis: Introduction to Real Analysis
Tags: Basic Analysis, Mathematic, Real Analysis
Calculus-Based Physics I
Tags: Calculus, Calculus-Based, mathematics, Physics
Educational Psychology
Tags: Chemistry, Hydrocarbon
The Seventh Baltic Stratigraphical Conference
Stratigraphical Commission (BRSC) was founded. In 1970–1980s, many meetings, workshops and
field excursions were organized. BRSC played an…
Geomorphology of Finke River and Arckaringa Creek: The bedload rivers
Tags: Geography, Geomorphology
Introduction to Numerical Methods
Biostratigraphic And Geological Significance Of Planktonic Foraminifera
(in Greek, proto = first and zoa = animals). They are
single-celled eukaryotes (organisms the cytoplasm of
which is organized into a complex structure with internal
membranes and contains a…
Introduction to Numerical Methods and Matlab Programming for Engineers
numerical methods for Civil Engineering majors during 2002-2004 and was modified to include
Mechanical Engineering in 2005. The materials have been…
Statistical Mechanics
classical mechanics through the concept of phase space, in quantum mechanics through the Pauli exclusion
principle, and in mathematics…
A Comprehensive Outline of World History
Tags: History, World History
Biogeographic Atlas Of The Southern Ocean
Radiation In The Environment
Alkanes and Alkenes
Tags: a-levels, Alevels, alkane, alkanes, alkene, alkenes, AQA, bonding, Chemistry, chemistry journey, covalent bonds, double bond, double covalent bond, free online courses, GCSE, global education, hydrocarbo, OCR, Revision, Science, science videos, student videos science, students, the virtual school, video
Calculus - Derivative of an Inverse Function
Gives a graphical explanation of how the derivative of an inverse function is related to the reciprocal of the derivative of the original function.
Uses the example y = x^2 + 1…
Clinical Pharmacy
Source: article, adapted under license.
Clinical pharmacy is the branch of pharmacy in which pharmacists provide patient care that optimizes the use of…
Tags: clinical pharmacy, clinical pharmacy definition, clinical pharmacy explanation, clinical pharmacy meaning, dictionary, english dictionary, english vocabulary, how to pronounce words, online dictionary, online vocabulary, vocabulary, what do words mean, what does clinical pharmacy mean, what does clinical pharmacy stand fo, what is clinical pharmacy, what is the definition of clinical pharmacy, what is the meaning of clinical pharmacy
Calculus using Matlab - Laplace Transform
Google+ :
Twitter :
Computational Biology
Source: article, adapted under license.
Computational biology involves the development and application of data-analytical and theoretical methods,…
Tags: computational biology, computational biology definition, computational biology explanation, computational biology meaning, dictionary, english dictionary, english vocabulary, how to pronounce words, online dictionary, online vocabulary, vocabulary, what do words mean, what does computational biology mea, what is computational biology, what is the definition of computational biology, what is the meaning of computational biology
Probability and Statistics
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Tags: Analysis of Variance, ANOVA, statistic
Thermodynamics : Energy, Entropy, and The Fundamental Laws of Physics.
Introduction to Human Osteology
Anatomy and Physiology of Animals
• symbols used to represent atoms;
• names of molecules commonly found in animal cells;
• characteristics of ions and electrolytes;
• basic structure of carbohydrates with examples;
Business Law and The Legal Environment
1. Distinguish different philosophies of law—schools of legal thought—and explain their
2. Identify the various aims that a functioning legal system can serve.
General Chemistry Principles, Patterns, and
Business English for Success
Government Regulation and the Legal Environment of Business
of legal and regulatory issues—and organized to permit instructors to tailor the materials to their
particular approach. This book engages…
The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business
concept of the rule of law and how it affects business and economic prosperity. At the conclusion of this
chapter, you should be able to answer…
Money and Banking
some graphs, and some sophisticated vocabulary, but nothing terribly difficult, if you put your brain
to it. The text’s most important goal is…
Tags: Banking, Economic, Money and Banking
Personal Finance
it should introduce you to a way of thinking about your personal financial decisions.
This should lead you to thinking harder and farther about the larger…
Tags: Economic, Finance, Personal Finance
International Finance :
Theory and Policy
Understanding Music: Past and Present
must remember what sounds happened, and anticipate what sounds might come
next. Most of us would agree that not all sounds are music! Examples of sounds
not typically…
Tags: Art, Art and Music, Music
World History:
Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500
technique of radiocarbon dating. His longtime field assistant Glen Evans…
Introduction to Probability
Fundamental Methods of Logic
There’s an ancient view, still widely held, that what makes human beings special—what distinguishes us from the “beasts of the field”—is that we are rational. What does rationality consist in? That’s a vexed question, but one possible…
World Geography
world in which we live. Right off the bat, think about
what you already know about geography - it could be
things you have learned in other classes at other
grade levels, things you’ve…
Tags: Geography, World Geography
Introduction To Linear, Time-Invariant, Dynamic Systems For Students Of Engineering
Human Relations
Tags: Social interaction
Business Plan Development Guide
The Sustainable Business Case Book
Project Management For Instructional Designers
Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking Version 1.4
textbook is to provide the reader with a set of tools and skills that will enable
them to identify and evaluate arguments. The book is intended for an
Conceptual Physics
Tags: Physics
Non-Isothermal Kinetic Methods
Thermodynamics and Chemistry
Tags: Chemistry, Thermodynamics
General Chemistry
Tags: Chemistry, General Chemistry
Finishing Global Farm Trade Reform: implications for developing countries
Bringing together pioneers in design and making within architecture, construction, engineering, manufacturing, materials technology and computation, Fabricate is a triennial international conference, now in its third year (ICD, University of…
Past and Present Energy Societies : How Energy Connects Politics, Technologies and Cultures
Architecture in the Anthropocene
Research regarding the significance and consequence of anthropogenic transformations of the earth’s land, oceans, biosphere and climate have demonstrated that, from a wide variety of perspectives, it is very likely that humans have initiated a…
A Guide to Veterinary Clinical Skills Laboratories
Education (EAEVE) 2014, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) 2014 American…
Abstract Algebra
Tags: Abstract Algebra, Algebra, Mathematic
Active Calculus Multivariable
Advances in Biotechnology Volume 1
Tags: Biotechnology
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
World Regional Geography
Weather & Climate Services for the Energy Industry
Tags: Energy Industry, Weather & Climate
Variational Principles in Classical Mechanics
of the fact that nature obeys variational principles that underlie the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian analytical
formulations of classical…
Tags: Classical Mechanics
Tags: Matematics, trigonometry
Traditions and Transformations in the History of Quantum Physics
Tags: Physics, Quantum Physics, Transformations
Thinking Beyond Sectors for Sustainable Development
are set, the progress that has been made over the past
15 years, and how current debates are…
Tags: Climate, Sustainable Development
The Handbook of Salutogenesis
Tags: salutogenesis
The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality Volume I
of getting things done’, these informal yet powerful
practices tend…
Fabricate 2011
The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality Volume II
of getting things done’, these informal yet powerful
practices tend…
The GEO Handbook on Biodiversity Observation Networks
system for monitoring changes in biodiversity. As such, a great number of colleagues have…
Tags: Biodiversity
The Economy as a Complex Spatial System Macro, Meso and Micro Perspectives
Tags: Economics, Macro, Meso, Micro Perspectives
The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development
The Economics of Quarantine and the SPS Agreement
The Economics of Food and Agricultural Markets
complex issues are the subject of this course: food prices, food safety, diet and…
Tags: Economics, Food and Agricultural
Fabricate 2014
FABRICATE is an international peer reviewed conference that takes place every three years with a supporting publication on the theme of Digital Fabrication. Discussing the progressive integration of digital design with manufacturing processes, and…
The Art of Insight in Science and Engineering
We need insight because our…
Sustainable Food Systems
Justice, Urbanisation & Resilience. It draws heavily upon my teaching for the…
Tags: agriculture, Food
Supporting Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities & Mental Illness
as part of the Collaborative Research Grant Initiative: Mental Wellness in Seniors and Persons with Disabilities
and by the Athabasca…
Statistical Analysis with The General Linear Model
Socioeconomics of Agriculture
phenomena: biology, for example, arose because of the willingness to…
Tags: agriculture, Socioeconomics
Small-signal stability, control and dynamic performance of
power systems
To this end, the…
Self-Assembled Molecules – New Kind of Protein Ligands
penetrating in regions which are either naturally unstable or become temporarily accessible due…
Satellite Earth Observations and Their Impact on Society and Policy
series of roundtable discussions invited perspectives from experts to understand how…
Strindberg and Autobiography
This is a book about Strindberg and about the nature of autobiographical writing. In this sensitive and discerning study, Michael Robinson has turned aside from the more traditional biographical approach to Strindberg. Instead he sets out to…
Studies in Strindberg
Migrating into Financial Markets
Fabricating the Absolute Fake : America in Contemporary Pop Culture
Public Debt, Inequality, and Power
Who are the dominant owners of US public debt? Is it widely held, or concentrated in the hands of a few? Does ownership of public debt give these bondholders power over our government? What do we make of the fact that foreign-owned debt has…
Drawing Futures
Drawing Futures brings together international designers and artists for speculations in contemporary drawing for art and architecture. Despite numerous developments in technological manufacture and computational design that provide new grounds for…
Tags: Architectural structure and design The arts, Architecture, Architecture The arts, Architecture: professional practice The arts, City and town planning - architectural aspects Computing and information technology, Computer Science, Human-computer interaction, Landscape art and architecture, Landscape art and architecture The arts, The arts, User interface design and usability
Banking for a Better World
Tags: Business and Management, Economics, Finance
The Infrastructure Finance Challenge
"Infrastructure and its effects on economic growth, social welfare, and sustainability receive a great deal of attention today. There is widespread agreement that infrastructure is a key dimension of global development and that its impact reaches…
Tags: Business and Management, Economics, Finance
Making work more equal
This book is inspired by, and dedicated to, Jill Rubery. Jill is a major figure in international debates on inequalities in work and employment. Her intellectual contributions are renowned for both their critical questioning of mainstream…
Tags: Business and Management, Economics, Finance
Agricultural Implications of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
Agricultural Input Subsidies
Detailed and comprehensive analysis of the Malawi Agricultural Input Subsidy Programme
Strong emphasis…
Tags: Agricultural
Android Programming Tutorials
Tags: Android Programming, Technology, Tutorials
Animal Metropolis
Tags: Animal
Applied Discrete Structures
Tags: Discrete Structures, mathematics
Aquaculture Perspective of Multi-Use Sites in the Open Ocean: The Untapped Potential for Marine Resources in the Anthropocene
A timely analysis of the rapid development of offshore energy production…
Tags: Astronomy
Basics of Fluid Mechanics
Tags: Fluid Mechanics, Physics
Beyond Waters: Archaeology and Environmental History of the Amazonian Inland
Bioeconomy: Shaping the Transition to a Sustainable, Biobased Economy
Simplifies multidisciplinary approaches for the transition to a Bioeconomy
Combining principles from agriculture, biotechnology and macroeconomics
Tags: Bioeconomy, Economics
Building Green: Environmental Architects and the Struggle for Sustainability in Mumbai
Calculus For the Life Sciences: A Modeling Approach Volume I
Calculus for The Life Sciences A Modeling Approach Volume II
Care in Healthcare: Reflections on Theory and Practice
Tags: Care, Healthcare, Medicine
Tags: Chemistry
Climate Smart Agriculture: Building Resilience to Climate Change
Tags: agriculture, Climate, climate change
Coastal Lagoons in Europe: Integrated Water Resource Strategies
Tags: Coastal, Coastal Lagoons, Environment, Water Resources
Contemporary Issues in Human Rights Law
As a result, their contributions collected here…
Tags: Contemporary Issue, Human Rights Law, Law
Criminal Law
Although it is…
Tags: Criminal Law, Law
Diseases of Children in the Subtropics and Tropics
Diversity and Evolution of Butterfly Wing Patterns
Earth Observation Open Science and Innovation
Tags: Earth, Earth Science, Geography, Geospatial
Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Nuclear Risks
Tags: Earth Science, earthquakes, Nuclear Risks, Tsunamis
Electromagnetic Fields and Energy
Electromagnetics Volume I
Tags: Electromagnetics
Electromechanical Dynamics
Elements of Robotics
eMarketing the Essential Guide to Online Marketing
Energy Poverty
supported by a Starting Grant from the European Research Council—under the European…
Tags: Energy Poverty, Enginerring
Entrepreneurial Cognition
over the last two decades. Although this research has resulted in publications in the top entrepreneurship, strategy, management, and psychology journals,
Essential of Geographic Information Systems
Essentials of Geographic Information Systems integrates key concepts behind the technology with practical concerns and real-world applications. Recognizing that many potential GIS users are nonspecialists or may only need a few maps, this book is…
Ethics and Civil Drones
Tags: Civil Engineering
Ethics in Law Enforcement
Evaluating Climate Change Action for Sustainable Development
Faecal Sludge Management Systems Approach for Implementation and Operation
Tags: Faecal Sludge
Field Trials of Health Interventions: A Toolbox
Before new interventions are released into disease control programmes, it is essential that they are carefully evaluated in `field trials'. These may be complex and expensive undertakings, requiring the follow-up of hundreds, or…
Financial Strategy for Public Managers
Food Price Policy in an Era of Market Instability: A Political Economy Analysis
Forest Measurements: an Applied Approach
Tags: Forestry
Foundations of Quantum Theory: From Classical Concepts to Operator Algebras
stretch the boundaries of mainstream physics by clarifying and developing the
theoretical and conceptual framework of physics and by applying it to a wide range
Tags: Physics, Quantum Theory
Freshwater Microplastics
Fundamentals of Infrastructure Management
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
Tags: Computer Scientist
Immersion Into Noise
Tags: Immersion Into Noise, Physics
Instruments for New Music: Sound, Technology, and Modernism
Player pianos, radio-electric…
Tags: Music, Sounds, Technology
International Relations
Introductory Business Statistics with Interactive Spreadsheets
Introduction to Autonomous Robots
Introduction to Basic Legal Citation
Tags: Basic Legal Citation, Law
Introduction to Computer Graphics
Tags: Computer Graphics
Introduction to Computing
Tags: Computer Science, Computing
Introduction to Differential Equations
Introduction to Law and Legal Systems
Tags: Law, Legal Systems
Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking
Tags: Critical Thinking, Logic
Introduction to Modern Set Theory
Tags: mathematics, Modern Set Theory
Introduction to Physical Oceanography
Tags: Physical Oceanography
Leak Detection Technology and Implementation
Mapping and the Citizen Sensor
Math, Numerics, & Programming (for Mechanical Engineers)
Tags: Math, Mechanical Engineers, Numerics, Programming
Mathematical Reasoning: Writing and Proof
Tags: Mathematical Reasoning, Proof, Writing
Methods in World History A Critical Approach
Tags: World History
Model-Based Demography
Tags: Demography, Model-Based
Modern Philosophy
Tags: Philosophy
Motion Mountain: The Adventure of Physics: Light, Charges and Brains (Volume 3)
Tags: Motion Mountain, Physics
Motion Mountain: The Adventure of Physics: Fall, Flow and Heat (Volume 1)
Tags: Motion Mountain, Physics
Motion Mountain: The Adventure of Physics: The Quantum of Change (Volume 4)
Tags: Motion Mountain, Physics
Motion Mountain: The Adventure of Physics: Relativity (Volume 2)
Tags: Motion Mountain, Physics
Motion Mountain: The Adventure of Physics: Motion Inside Matter - Pleasure, Technology and the Stars (Volume 5)
Tags: Motion Mountain, Physics
Notes on Diffy Qs: Differential Equations for Engineers
engineers. I also taught Math 285 at UIUC and Math 20D…
Physics Volume 3
Tags: Physics
Physical Modeling in MATLAB
As a result, the order of presentation is unusual. The book starts with scalar values and works up to vectors and…
Pragmatic Philanthropy
Tags: Pragmatic Philanthropy
• The…
Tags: mathematics, Precalculus
Principles and Practice of Case-based Clinical Reasoning Education A Method for Preclinical Students
Principles of Computer System Design: An Introduction
Tags: Computer System, design
Principles of Microeconomics
Tags: Economics, Microeconomics
Principles of Sociological Inquiry – Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
Prison, Architecture and Humans
Tags: Architecture, Humans, Prison
Public Health Ethics: Cases Spanning the Globe
Tags: Medicine & Health, Public Health
Religious Architecture: Anthropological Perspectives
Tags: Anthropological, Architecture, Religious
Production Ergonomics: Designing Work Systems to Support Optimal Human Performance
Rivers of the Anthropocene
Sago Palm: Multiple Contributions to Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods
Tags: agriculture, Food, Sago Palm
Palgrave Studies in Disability and International
Global Economic Prospects Broad-Based Upturn, but for How Long?
Tags: Global Economic
Tags: Calculus, mathematics
Communicative Figurations: Transforming Communications in Times of Deep Mediatization
Animals and the Shaping of Modern Medicine:
One Health and its Histories
DC Circuits
Tags: DC Circuits, Engineering
Open Content Licensing : from Theory to Practice
Although open content licences only account for a fraction of all copyright licences currently in force in the copyright world, the mentality change initated by the open content movement is here to stay. To promote the use of open content…
Tags: Geometry, mathematics
Cultural Integration of Immigrants in Europe
Tags: Business and Management, Economics, Finance, immigration and emigration Society and social sciences, Migration, Political economy Society and social sciences, Population and demography, Social issues and processes, Society and culture: general, Society and social sciences, sociology, Sociology and anthropology
Good Corporation, Bad Corporation: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Economy
around the world, the textbook…
Taxation and the Financial Crisis
Information Technology and the Networked Economy
knowledge. The networked economy is characterized by rapidly changing market
conditions and…
Introduction to Internet Marketing
today. as the world becomes ever more connected, keeping up with developments
and trends is vital for marketers trying to reach new audiences – who are…
Applicable Law in Investor–StateArbitration
Tags: International arbitration Law, International economic and trade law, International economic and trade law Law, International law, Investment treaties and disputes Law, Law, Private international law and conflict of laws, Public international law, Settlement of international disputes, Settlement of international disputes Law
Manifest Madness: Mental Incapacity in the Criminal Law
Tags: Criminal justice law Law, Criminal law and procedure, Criminal or forensic psychology Law, Criminal procedure Society and social sciences, Jurisprudence and general issues, Law, Laws of Specific jurisdictions, Legal history Medicine, Other branches of medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology, Society and social sciences
The Legal Effects of EU Agreements
Tags: Constitutional and administrative law Society and social sciences, EU (European Union), EU and European institutions Law, International economic and trade law Other geographical groupings, International institutions, International law, International Relations, Law, Laws of Specific jurisdictions, oceans and seas, Political, Politics and government, Public international law, Society and social sciences, socio-economic and strategic groupings
Linear Algebra with Applications
a traditional introduction to the…
Tags: Application, Linear Algebra
Native Peoples of North America
Tags: Native Peoples
The Republic in Danger
Prison, Architecture and Humans
Climate change and globalisation are opening up the Arctic for exploitation by the world – or so we are told. But what about the views, interests and needs of the peoples who live in the region? This volume explores the opportunities and…
Tags: Anthropology, Earth Sciences, Environment, Geography, Human geography Society and social sciences, Planning, Social impact of disasters Society and social sciences, Social issues and processes, Society and culture: general, Society and social sciences, Sociology Society and social sciences, Sociology and anthropology
The Digital Public Domain: Foundations for an Open Culture
Doing the Right Thing : A Value Based Economy
Open : The Philosophy and Practices that are Revolutionizing Education and Science
Tags: distance education Society and social sciences, education, Higher and further education, home learning, Impact of science and technology on society Society and social sciences, Information technology: general issues Society and social sciences, Information technology: general issues Mod, Open learning, Psychology, Science: general issues, Social issues and processes Computing and information technology, Society and culture: general, Society and social sciences, tertiary education Mathematics and science
Teacher Guide
Tags: education, Teacher Guide
Th e Principle of Loyalty in EU Law
Tags: Constitutional and administrative law Society and social sciences, EU (European Union), EU and European institutions Law, International institutions, International law, International Relations, Law, Laws of Specific jurisdictions, oceans and seas, Political, Politics and government, Public international law Other geographical groupings, Society and social sciences, socio-economic and strategic groupings
Explaining Criminal Career
Tags: Causes and prevention of crime Society and social sciences, Crime and criminology, Crime and criminology Society and social sciences, criminology, mathematics, Offenders, Probability and statistics, Probation services Mathematics and science, Rehabilitation of offenders Society and social sciences, Social services and welfare, Society and social sciences
The Hidden Histories of War Crimes Trials
Motion Mountain: The Adventure of Physics: The Strand Model - A Speculation on Unification (Volume 6)
Tags: Motion Mountain, Physics
Cultural Integration of Immigrants in Europe
Tags: Business and Management, Economics, Finance, immigration and emigration Society and social sciences, Migration, Political economy Society and social sciences, Population and demography, Social issues and processes, Society and culture: general, Society and social sciences, sociology, Sociology and anthropology
Blame It On the WTO: A Human Rights Critique
Tags: Business and Management, Economics, Finance, International economic and trade law Law, International economics, International human rights law Society and social sciences, International institutions Economics, International law, International Relations, International trade, Law, Politics and government, Public international law, Society and social sciences
Politics of Security
Tags: 20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000, British Isles, Central Europe, European history Society and social sciences, from c 1945 to c 2000 Society and social sciences, Germany Europe, Great Britain, History, History: earliest times to present day, History: specific events and topics, Humanities, International relations Humanities, Political activism Europe, Politics and government, Postwar 20th century history, Regional and national history, Society and social sciences, The Cold War Humanities, United Kingdom
The Philosophical Salon: Speculations, Reflections, Intervention
Through the interpretative lens of today’s leading thinkers, The Philosophical Salon illuminates the persistent intellectual queries and the most disquieting concerns of our actuality. Across its three main divisions—Speculations, Reflections,…
A Spiral Workbook for Discrete Mathematics
Tags: Discrete, mathematics
Armstrong Calculus
Tags: Calculus, Mathematic
College ESL Writers Applied Grammar and Composing Strategies for Success
Tags: English, Grammar and Composing
Dalton State College APEX Calculus
Topics covered in this text include:
Tags: Calculus, mathematics
Educational Learning Theories
Tags: Educational Learning
Exploring Public Speaking
Original Description:
"In fifteen chapters the authors have attempted to address…
Tags: Communication, Public Speaking
Foundations of Academic Success: Words of Wisdom
General Psychology: An Introduction
Tags: consciousness, emotions, General Psychology, learning, memory, Psychology
Guidelines for Improving the Effectiveness of Boards of Directors of Nonprofit Organizations
History in the Making: A History of the People of the United States of America to 1877
Tags: History, History in the Making
Instruction in Functional Assessment
Tags: education, Functional Assessment, Psychology
Introductory Geology
Tags: climate change, earthquakes, Geology, plate tectonics, volcanoes, water
Literature, the Humanities, and Humanity
Tags: Humanity, Literature, the Humanities
Malarial Subjects
Tags: Malarial, Medicine & Health
Natural Resources Biometrics
Tags: Biometrics, Chemistry, Statistics
Nursing Care at the End of Life: What Every Clinician Should Know
Plants, Society, and the Environment
Tags: Environment, Plants, Society
Sexy Technical Communication
Steps to Success: Crossing the Bridge Between Literacy Research and Practice
Tags: Steps to Success
The Gordon State College Writing Handbook
Tags: college writing, composition
The Missing Link: An Introduction to Web Development and Programming
While it is easy to describe conceptually, implementation is…
Tags: Computer, Programming, Web Development